What Are the Disadvantages of Agile Software Development?

The software development market is growing due to the increasing demand for automation. Both developers and clients are for win-to-win methodologies when it comes to software development. Agile software development is one of the latest most preferred approaches for creating quality and customized software. We also advise you to read the article on the difference between correlation and regression, the article will be useful for both beginners and experienced programmers. While it makes the development process transparent and less cumbersome, it has a massive downside.

What is Agile Software Development?

Agile refers to the ability to make a move easily. Agile software development is a software development approach that emphasizes on delivering software in incremental models. It is the best approach for time-critical applications when the end-user is available and willing to participate throughout the entire project development lifecycle. New requirements and solutions evolve through collaboration between end-users and developers.

This approach has rapid cycles of incremental releases. Each release builds on the previous release functionality. The development cycles continue until when the software is fully functional.

Agile software development approach requires less planning compared to other software development models. It assumes that the user needs changes frequently in a dynamic business. These changes need to be discussed, and new features developed and included in the system to give the users a complete system with all they need.

While many developers regard the agile approach as a way to deliver software faster, some avoid it for one or two reasons. Here are the reasons why some software developers don’t prefer the agile software development technique.

Drawbacks of Agile Software Development Methodology

1. Poor Resource Planning

At the initial stages of development, both the developer and users don’t have a picture of the final system. It is challenging to predict the exact resources required.

2. More Time and commitments

Developers, customers, and testers interact with each other frequently. Despite the assured delivery of a system that meets all the user expectations, the agile development approach is time-consuming and enormous. It demands more time and energy from both users and developers.

3. Lack of necessary documentation

Documentation happens throughout the project cycles, not at the beginning. When new members join the development team, it is hard for them to know their roles and what they need to do. Lack of project requirement documentation at the initial stage can lead to misunderstandings and other difficulties.

4. No Finite End

Since Agile requires minimal documentation at its initial stage. There are many possibilities for delivering unexpected functionalities. The project has no finite end since the team has no clear vision of the final product.

5. Fragment Output

Agile’s incremental delivery brings products to market faster. The complete output is very fragmented. The output system is not a cohesive unit as required.

Mitigating the Disadvantages of Agile Software Development Approach

The above disadvantages make it clear that the Agile approach in software development isn’t for everyone. To overcome the above challenges, one needs to emphasize the importance of delivering value, not just a working end system.

Agile methodologies aren’t appropriate when the client has a specified schedule, budget, and scope of the project.

For successful project development using the agile approach read: Agile guide to the planning process.